Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex

The first season of Stand Alone Complex focuses on the Laughing Man incident, wherein a hacktivist ultimately reveals to the Major that he had discovered that several micro machine manufacturing corporations, in association with the Japanese government, suppressed information on an inexpensive cure to a debilitating cyberilization disease in order to profit from the more expensive micro machine treatment. Following this, he abducted one of the owners of the company and attempted to force him to reveal the truth on live television, resulting in the hacker live-hacking everyone’s vision and cameras at the event to hide his face with the unreal happy face brand that became similar along with his image. His quality spawned many real imitators, resulting in the series’ titular Stand Alone Complex. After an investigation by the authorities causes him to resurface in the present, Section 9 discovers these companies and several Japanese politicians later used the Laughing Man’s image to garner public support, and they begin a campaign, spearheaded by the Major, to disseminate the truth. This ultimately leads to the Cabinet labeling them as domestic terrorists and forcibly disbanding them, resulting in the capture of several members and the apparent death of Motoko Kusanagi. However, it’s all a maneuver to deceive the govt., and the very alive and well members of Section 9 regroup to bring the micro machine corporations and corrupt politicians to justice, leading to the dissolution of the present Japanese government.

The second season, set two years after the events of the first season, explores the political and social ramifications of the two world wars that took place prior to the events of the series. At the time of the Third and therefore the Fourth World Wars, about three million Asians became refugees and were invited into Japan as a source of cheap labor. These “invited refugees”, based on the reclaimed island of Dejima, soon became unemployed in the post-war period, and their social unrest borders on outright war. Section 9’s involvement in the refugee issue begins after they successfully stop a hostage crisis caused by a terrorist group known as the Individual Eleven, after which newly elected Prime Minister Yoko Kayabuki officially reinstates the organization. The group seems to be modeling themselves after the May 15 Incident, where a group of naval officers assassinated the Prime Minister and then gained the support of the public, and hope to fire up the refugees’ spirits by fighting for them against the Japanese government. The cluster additionally comes into contact with Kazundo, head of the Cabinet Intelligence Service, who gets assistance from the group in defusing several instances between the refugees as well as assisting him in transporting plutonium through Dejima, result in several failures and refugee deaths, further straining relations. Section 9 ultimately discovers that Goda has been manipulating both events behind the scenes, leaking the social virus that creates the Individual Eleven ideology and creating a new Stand Alone Complex, as well as the intentional failures with the refugees. However, he cannot account for the charismatic Hideo Kuze who genuinely believes in the best for the refugees and helps rally for their independence from Japan. Throughout the investigation, Kusanagi discovers she might understand Kuze from her childhood. Ultimately, Goda is found guilty of his part in the refugee incidents and killed before he can defect to the American Empire, but not before his ministrations also result in the death of Kuze.

  Format : MKV (HEVC)
  Size : 574 MB
  Bit depth : 10bits


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